What Marketing Is

In September/October’s edition
of The Costco Connection,
Arlene Dickinson,
CEO of Venture Communications
talks about her company
and what marketing TRULY is.

“We created a niche
and identified an opportunity
to talk about marketing
as a business endeavor
– it’s art for the sake of commerce,
not art for art’s sake.

We were one of the first agencies
in Canada
to say
this is what marketing really is.
It’s not just about winning awards
for your creative.
It’s about delivering results
for your client.”

BTW… for all the single moms out there
thinking about going into business,
Arlene Dickinson first got into selling advertising
because a family court ruled
that until she could support
her four children financially,
she couldn’t have full custody of them.

She hustled.
She got a job selling advertising
at a TV station.
She landed a partnership
in a start-up marketing firm,
and the result was
Venture Communications.

She did it.
You can too.

Categorized as Marketing