Going Full Time

You have a good day job.
You’re growing a business after hours.
Your business does better
and better
and better.
So when do you leave the cushy day job
and work the business full time?

You don’t have to decide now,
you say.
You’ll know when it happens.

Yeah, right.

Two dangerous things can happen.
You have a sucky day at the day job
and you quit way too early
You get scared
and hang onto the day job too long.

Right now, I’m feeling the fear.
Lucky for me,
I set up perimeters years ago.
If I landed two contracts
with the biggest publisher
in my genre,
I’d pursue the writing full time.

I’ve landed those contracts
(and the publisher is asking for more stories).
I’m scared,
but friends are keeping me honest.

You won’t ‘know’
so put in perimeters now,
and assign gatekeepers to hold you to them.