Richard Branson On Small Is Beautiful

My favorite type of placement
is within a small autonomous division
of a large company.

When I’m working in these divisions,
I can wield the big company brand name
to obtain faster, better results
with vendors
and customers
Internally, I can propose new product launches
and have them approved quickly.
There’s less wait time.

There’s also a sense of ownership.
I see the results of my work.
I CAN make a difference.

Richard Branson has the same position
on small being beautiful.

“When we have 100 people in the company…
we’ll split the company into two.
When we had
our record company division,
we actually had
20 separate record companies
in 20 separate buildings
with 20 separate brands…
then those people could feel
their success directly.”

Keep your business units small
even as you grow your company larger.