Imitating Others

It is human nature
to see a successful person
and want to imitate her.
She’s successful.
If I’m the same as she is,
I will be successful too.

The key part of that phrase is…
“If I’m the same as she is”

You aren’t.
You can never be.
Even if you were her clone,
by the time you’ve figured out
she’s been successful,
you’re on a different timeline.

But you’re not a clone.
You’re wonderfully individual,
with your own talents and strengths.

As Jazz saxophonist Stan Getz
said regarding his students

“I’m a strong opponent of imitation.
I always tell them that
they have to be themselves.
That’s hard,
because they don’t believe in themselves,
they believe in their heroes.
And I will tell them:
that’s perfectly alright,
but your hero is the only one
who can play that way.
If you want to try
and do the same thing,
it will only be an imitation,
however perfectly you will do it.
I keep on trying to convince them
that they have to play
what they feel themselves.
But that’s not easy.”

Yeah, that’s not easy.
Copy your hero’s attributes
such as
her persistence,
her constant improving,
her rejection of rejection
but don’t copy her.
Be yourself.