Entertainment And Porn

Being a romance writer,
one of my biggest concerns
is the trend toward
free content
(whether legit or pirated).

I’m not the only person
with this concern
and many people are working
on solving the problem.

Many of these people
are involved with the biggest industry
on the net.
Yep, the adult entertainment industry.

So I’ve been reading porn,
straight up sex stories
with little plot
and no romance.

I don’t read it for the content
(though that certainly is educational).
I read it for the possible ‘solutions.’
I see the embedded links
to naughty ‘hidden’ photos.
I see the attempts at including video.
I see the continuation of the ‘scenes’
in print format.
All this would be considered
cutting edge for the romance writing community.

If you’re in entertainment
and you want to remain in entertainment,
you should be familiar
with what is going on
in the adult entertainment industry.