Switching Projects Quickly

Often I’ll work on
several projects
at a time.
Sometimes these projects
will be related,
and it is challenging
to look at the second project
with the much needed excitement.

One trick is
to do a small completely different task
between the projects.

For example:
I’ll revise a chapter
in my alien abduction story
in the morning.
I’ll then go for a walk,
or make myself a sandwich,
or I’ll return emails.
Then I’ll revise the chapter
in my android space spy story.

Another trick is
to change my environment significantly.
I’ll revise the alien abduction story
in my bedroom.
I’ll walk downstairs
and revise the android space spy story
in my home office.

Or I’ll listen to country music
during the alien abduction revisions,
and I’ll listen to rock
during the android space spy story revisions.

When you switch projects,
give your body and mind
a signal that you’re doing something new.
This will help you look at
the new project with fresh eyes.