Partners And Leading

I was watching an episode
of Property Ladder today
(a great show for anyone
involved in project management).

A couple was flipping a house.
The husband had years
of building experience.
The wife,
although gifted with finances,
had no building experience.

The wife insisted
on having equal say
on each renovation decision
and made a fuss
if her ideas weren’t used,
stating that
she was an equal partner.

This, of course,
was a dumb ass argument.
She may be an equal partner
but her husband
should clearly have been the leader
on renovation decisions,
just as she should have been the leader
on financing decisions
(an equally important role).

One of the big reasons
we partner with others
is to gain experience and skills
that we don’t have.
Let these partners lead
in the areas they are strong in.

BTW… ironically the flip lost money
because, surprise surprise,
they ran out of financing,
the area the financing-savvy wife
should have been
focusing on.