Early Endings Aid Hard Starts

Although I love writing,
starting to write is
a very painful process for me.
It IS work, and
it is difficult to choose work
over doing nothing.

To ease these hard starts,
I employ a trick many successful writers use.
I stop writing a scene
in the middle of the action.
Although I really want to finish it,
I don’t,
leaving that last bit
for the next writing session.

I often do this with my to-do lists also.
I’ll deliberately assign a task
to every day’s to-do list
that I absolutely love.
When I wake up in the morning,
I do that task,
and that throws me into work mode.
Once I’m working,
it is easier to continue working.

Consider assigning yourself
an enjoyable task
to start your day,
even if that means
leaving a task uncompleted
from the day before.