Competing Against The Giants

“You’re crazy
to go up against that large company.”
How many times have you,
as an entrepreneur,
heard that?

As an author,
I hear the same thing.
I’m crazy to try to sell books
in the same space
as Suzie New York Times Bestseller.
I get told that
about once a day.

I’m working at an industry leader,
a huge company.
I received one number
from one department,
and one number
from another department.
Foolish me, I multiplied
these two numbers
to get the answer I needed.

My manager told me
to erase that number,
because multiplying the two numbers
belonged to another department.
I then had to send the document
to this other department
so they could do the multiplication.
(And yes, they got the same answer I did).

I shit you not.

Do you still doubt that
you can compete against the giants?

Big companies aren’t perfect.
Find an imperfection your customers
find irritating
and exploit it.