Loyalty To Those Around You

I recently was in a meeting
in which a contractor slagged the agency
he worked for.
Although I agreed with some of his points,
I didn’t speak up supporting his views.


Because I work for my agency,
not the client,
and I’m loyal to the company I work for.

But even if I didn’t feel I worked for my agency,
I STILL wouldn’t speak ill of them
in public.
I’m associated with them.
If I didn’t like how the agency did business,
I should sever the connection.

We like to work with people we trust.
If you heard me
speaking ill of
my employer, my coworker, my friend,
would you trust me?

Hell no.

On the other hand,
if you heard me
my employer, my coworker, my friend,
would you trust me
and want to work with me?

Of course you would
because you’d assume
I would do the same for you.

Be loyal to those around you.