The Royal Wedding And Charlie Sheen

As the days count down
to the Royal Wedding,
the media is going bonkers
with coverage.
We’re hearing what the couple might eat
and what guests might wear
and what kind of toilet paper
the washroom stalls will use.

I’m thrilled.

As a marketer,
I know that what we dwell upon,
what we promote,
has an impact
on people’s behaviors.

A month ago,
the media was covering Charlie Sheen’s antics.
In other words,
they were promoting crazy,
marketing abuse,
giving bad bahavior the star treatment.
I avoided the news
because I found myself losing my optimism
and becoming a bit crazy myself.

Now, the media is promoting
love and hope and new beginnings.
My coworkers are smiling more,
even the guys complaining about the coverage.
There is talk of other weddings,
both in the past and in the future.

Yes, media and marketers
make a difference.

Market with negativity,
and the world becomes more dark and negative.
Market with optimism,
and the world becomes happier and more hopeful.

Decide the world you wish to live in
and market accordingly.

Categorized as Marketing