Thank You’s Are Free

They aren’t really though,
are they?
Thank you’s are better than free.
They are revenue generators
and expense reducers.

Some people are stingy
with their thank you’s.
They believe
thank you’s
mean less
if they’re given to everyone.

That’s bullshit
because thank you’s are surprisingly rare.
Folks don’t care
if you thanked 100 people that day.
They care if you thanked them once.

I thank everyone.

I thank the bus driver
and he now waits for me
if I’m a little late in the morning.

I thank my boss’s assistant
and she covers for me
if I take a longer lunch.

I thank the promo goddess
at a major bookselling site
and she snags me promo spots
I can’t even buy.

These might be coincidences.
It might be people simply doing their job well.
My thank you’s may have had no impact.

But hey, all it costs me are two words.

Thank people.
What do you have to lose?

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