Generating Ideas

I’m aiming to have
two stories a month published
in 2012
(these stories have to be written
and submitted to publishers
in order to be published in 2012).

When I tell people that,
they tell me I can’t maintain that pace
because I’ll run out of ideas.

I’ll run out of life
before I’ll run out of ideas.
I have my most marketable ideas plotted out
for both this year’s writing
and next year’s
and a list of possible other ideas
for future years.

Ask any entrepreneur
and they’ll tell you the same thing.
In a survey of 1,000 people
by Intuit Inc.,
70% of those questioned
said generating an idea is easy.

and these weren’t ‘entrepreneurs’.
These were regular folks.

So if you’re stifling your doing
because you’re worried about
running out of ideas,

And if you don’t have any ideas,
ask around.
Many of us have more ideas
than we’ll ever develop.