Testing Your Self Discipline

A loved one
believes he would make
a wonderful entrepreneur.
He has some great ideas.
He has the intelligence.
What I fear he’s missing
is an entrepreneurial strategy for self discipline.

Currently, he needs the structure of a job,
with a manager holding him
to deadlines.
He doesn’t know how to achieve
the same results solo.

So I suggested
he work his self discipline issues out
while continuing to work his day job.

How to do this?

He gives himself an aggressive extra project
with a concrete deadline.
If he achieves the results on time,
he has a good grasp on self discipline.
If he doesn’t,
he has work to do.

I suspect it will take him
several attempts at different strategies
until he finds one that works.
That’s to be expected.

Don’t quit your day job
to become an entrepreneur
until you know you have the self discipline strategies
to BE an entrepreneur.