Let It Go

In Shaunti Feldhahn’s new book
The Male Factor,
she explores the differences
between males and females in the workplace.

In a survey of 3,000 men,
their main issues with female coworkers
were that women take things too personally,
they get too emotional,
and they don’t let issues go.

“The men may say,
‘Well, I disagree with you about that,’
or ‘That’s fine.’
Then they walk away and it’s over.
It’s not really that way with women,
even senior women.”

I don’t have time
to revisit past decisions.
Once the group has come to a decision,
I roll with it,
whether I agree or disagree.
If I find myself dwelling on a past decision,
I know I don’t have enough to do.

Let the past go,
and that dumbass decision the board just made?
That’s the past.