Britney Spears And Back Catalog

as I was putting the finishing touches
on my alien/human love story,
I listened to two full hours
of Britney Spears songs.


Because that was what the radio was playing.
Last night was the release
of the video
for her new single
‘Hold It Against Me.’
To celebrate,
radio stations were playing her back catalog,
I’m certain iTune sales
of that back catalog
got a boast.

Whenever I release a new story,
I sell more of my older stories.
My new story isn’t a replacement
for my old stories.
They complement each other.

The more stories I sell,
the more of my back catalog
I sell with each new release.
(that is why
many romance writers claim that
the best promo is writing the next book)

With complement products,
more product development is almost always better.
With replacement products,
the opposite is often true.

When you’re designing products,
consider whether your new products
complement your older products
replace them.