Interview Marketing

I interviewed yesterday
with a large, well-known company.
The manager asked me
why I wanted to work for the company.
I said because it was X company,
a market leader.

She made a face.

So I asked her how she felt about her company.
She spent the next fifteen minutes
telling me
about everything that was wrong with the company.

At the end of the interview,
my view of this company
had changed permanently.
I won’t be taking a position there.

This manager interviewed
at least a dozen candidates.
I suspect that all of us
got her tirade on the company she works for.

When you interview prospective employees,
you are representing your company.
The best people work for the best companies.
If you market your company as a ‘loser’,
the only individuals interested in being hired
will be ‘losers’.

Prospective employees sell themselves
in interviews
but the interviewer sells also.
You sell the role, and the company.
If you can’t do that,
you shouldn’t be hosting the interviews.