The Certificate Of Recognition

Two months ago,
I received a certificate of recognition.
At the time,
I scoffed at the piece of paper,
telling a loved one
that the stamp used to send it
was wasted.

I still have that certificate of recognition.
And I’ve done more for that organization
than I would have done
if I hadn’t received the certificate.

Yes, a piece of colorful paper
caused this busy gal
to contribute more time
to an organization I’m not especially passionate about.

Recognition counts.

As Ned Hallowell says
“When a person feels recognized
and connected to the larger group,
she knows viscerally,
not just intellectually,
that she has made a contribution
others value.
Not only does this motivate her to do more
and try harder,
but it instills a desire to look out for the larger group….
It leads a person to do the right thing
even when no one is looking.”

Send out those thank you letters,
those silly certificate of recognition.
They work.