Celebrate The Year

On the 26th,
I boxed up all my errors and mistakes
and misgivings
and unproductive habits
accumulated over the previous year.

Today is the day
I celebrate my successes.
These successes could be
as small as updating my antiquated resume,
or they could be
as large as publishing 12 stories,
one story for each month.

I have pages and pages of successes
recorded throughout the year.
Studying them
gets me pumped and excited
for the year to come.
I’m smarter today
than I was January 1st
so I’m destined to do even more
in 2011.

Don’t have anything to celebrate?
This doesn’t mean
you didn’t have successes.
It simply means
you didn’t keep track of your successes.

You know that fancy notebook
a loved one gave you?
Use it to track your successes in 2011.
Fill the book with accomplishment!