The Anticipation Of Christmas

I have a sequel coming out
in March 2011
that I’m already talking about.
Because anticipation
is part of the fun
with sequels.
Readers talk about
the characters who may or may not
be in the sequel.
They talk about the perfect love interest
for the main character.
They play ‘what if?’

Much like what many people do
with Christmas.
They look at the presents under the tree.
They shake the presents.
They try to guess what is in them.
(My Mom has already guessed
EVERYTHING that I gave her).

Anticipation is part of the magic.
Dave Kurlan has a great post
on how you can put the magic
back in your sales presentations.

One way?

Don’t present immediately.
Get to know the client first,
build that anticipation,
and THEN present.

Categorized as Marketing