Nice Girls Finish Last

Okay, they don’t always
but it depends on your definition of nice.
If it is not deliberately harming another person,
then, yeah, you may win in life.
But if it is not asking for what you want,
you WILL finish last.

One of my writing buddies
is on the great agent hunt.
An agent was interested,
read the entire manuscript,
and then rejected it because she isn’t a fan
of angels as heroes.

My buddy has another story
with NO angels in it.
Did she email the agent back
and pitch that book?
Because she worried the agent
might think she’s too pushy.

Filling a need is not pushy.
The agent needs a manuscript to sell
to a publisher.
My buddy has that manuscript.

BTW… we all say we like to buy
from companies and people we like.
As long as those companies and people
offer us what we want
at the price we want.
Nice is a distant consideration
in the buying decision.

Scott Ginsberg has a great post
covering the myth of nice.

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