Brand – Like Cash In The Bank

I know a car manufacturer
that forces vendors to accept
6 months as their terms
(yes, they don’t pay ANY bills
until 6 months after invoicing).

I know a high end housewares company
that hasn’t paid their bills
in a couple of months.

How can these companies
push vendors around so adeptly?

Because they’ve built a brand.
A start up car manufacturer
wouldn’t be able to do it.
A mom and pop housewares company
wouldn’t be able to do it.

To do business with these big names,
vendors will put up with a lot.
They also assume
that the big names won’t go belly-up.

THAT is one of the reasons
you build a brand.
It is like cash in the bank.

Categorized as Marketing

1 comment

  1. Or, you could cherish your vendors, as does, so that they are eager to do business with you, rather than merely willing to put up with you.

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