What Isn’t Said

If you’ve played the game long enough,
you know how to say
the politically correct thing.
You know how to be kind
AND truthful at the same time.
You know that everyone ALWAYS kills the messenger
so you don’t volunteer bad news.

So when you play at a certain level,
you listen more for what ISN’T said,
rather than what IS said.

I’m currently in the midst
of a business disaster.
The person I am working with
is usually upbeat.
We’ve been through sticky situations before.
During them,
he often says things like
“Don’t worry, K.
We can handle this.”

That ISN’T being said
with this current disaster.
Because he doesn’t feel that way.

He won’t come out
and say “You’re f**ked”
but I got the message quite clearly
from what he hasn’t said.

Silence is often more telling
than a stream of words.
Listen for what isn’t said.