Follow Up Emails

You’ve sent an email two weeks ago.
The prospect or publisher or employer
hasn’t responded.

Many people
(women especially)
are shy about sending a follow up email.
In this age of aggressive spam filters,
this hesitation is dumbness.
Odds are…
your prospect didn’t even receive the email.

That said…
it means that your follow up email
should be written
with the assumption that
she hasn’t read your original email.

you should write
something like…
‘this is a follow up to
the email I sent on Tuesday, November 5th
regarding my submission of XXX.’
This allows her to find your original email
if she so wishes.
It always lights a fire under her ass
if she’s been sitting on it.

Then you repeat everything you stated
in the original email
plus any updates.
This saves her time
if she prefers not to look up the original email.

Sure, it takes extra effort
to repeat all the original information
(if you consider using the cut and paste function
extra effort)
but your prospect will appreciate it.

Categorized as Sales