Safe Vs Free

In writing seminars,
we often talk about conflicting motivations.
A heroine may wish to be independent
yet want a family.
She wants to be safe
yet longs to be loved
(i.e. expose herself to pain).

One of the most common conflicts
romance writers draw upon
is the pull/push between safe and free.

The safest people in the world
are prisoners locked up in solitary confinement.
However, they are the least free.
We can’t have total safety AND total freedom.

As entrepreneurs, we know this.
Making our own decisions is scary.
We don’t have the safety
of precedence or authority figures.
We do have more freedom.
Some of us
have carved out so much freedom for ourselves,
we’re called rebels
(i.e. Richard Branson, Rebel Billionaire).

No one is totally free or totally safe.
We fall somewhere between the two states.
However, communication is easier
when we know which a partner/prospect/family member
values more.