Formal Names Vs Nicknames

Many of the most beloved brands
in the world
have nicknames.

Coca-Cola is called Coke.
McDonald’s is called Mickey D’s.
Nora Roberts is called La Nora.

So when do you use
the formal name
and when do you use

Brand Naming has a wonderful article

outlining when you should and shouldn’t.

Basically formal marketing
should use the formal name.
Nicknames are for insiders.
You don’t have to market to insiders.

You also can’t force insiders
to use a nickname.
Nicknames are earned.
They are not given.

How are they earned?
By the brand gaining enough passionate fans
that they create their own language
and give the brand a nickname.

Focus on your formal name.
Let your fans
work on your nickname.

I’d like to send a big thank you
to Jakub.
I derive no compensation from this blog
other than thank you’s
and sometimes I question
if I add value.
Jakub emailed me exactly when
I was asking myself that question.
Thank you, Jakub, for appreciating my posts.

Categorized as Marketing