World Views And Reading

Mary Buckham gives
one of the best explanations
I’ve heard
about the differences
between literary writing
and genre writing
(such as romance).

The difference comes down to world view.

Literary folks believe
that people (and usually circumstances)
don’t change.
They can only be understood.
Forest Gump was the same person
at the start of the movie
as he was at the end of the movie.

Genre folks believe
that people (and circumstances)
can and do change.
The lonely learn how to love.
The murderer is caught.
The alien learns to appreciate humans.

Most entrepreneurs
adhere to the second world view.
They believe that
prospects do change
and that
they WILL buy the new product.

World views can change.
I believe you are what you read.
If you are trying to change the world,
consider reading more genre fiction.