Managing Email

“Managing email now accounts
for about half of the average employee’s workday.”

You read that right
Four hours a day is spent
on email management.

That is a crazy waste of time.

I receive
about 1,000 emails a day
to my personal inbox.
Clientk readers who email me
(and I do love the emails)
will know that I’m not always the best
at responding.


Because I spend most of my day
I do first
and then reward myself
with email.

That’s the best thing about emails.
They don’t go bad.
Whether I answer them at 9am or 9pm
won’t matter.

Do first.
Check email second.
Read Cameron Herold’s article
for other great tips.

P.S. the exception is
if I’m between projects
and on a mini-holiday
as Elisha recently found out.