The Finish Line

Some folks ask me
when I’m going to ‘take it easy.’
These aren’t entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs know that business building
is a lot more interesting
than sitting on the couch
watching tv.
They know the answer is ‘never.’

One reason for that answer
is because there is
no finish life in business.
Even if you reach the top,
you need to keep going
to maintain that position.

Alden Mills,
founder of Perfect Fitness,
learned this lesson early
from his stint in the SEALs.

“”They’d say,
‘OK, it’s a four-mile timed run,”
he says.
“I’d run so hard,
I’d throw up at the finish line.
Then they’d say,
‘Now it’s a 10-mile timed run.
Keep running.’
You don’t know when that race is over,
so you can never give up.”
Ditto: business.”

There IS no finish line
in business.