The Need For Benchmarks

When I had my first romance novel published,
I asked
what sales were expected from a first time author.
No one would give me an answer.

As a result,
I struggled for years
with a product that wasn’t working.
I wasn’t happy.
My publisher wasn’t happy.

I’m now playing with another genre.
I asked my new publisher
what level of sales was expected
from a new author.
She told me.
My sales are double that.
I know I have myself a winner.
I’m writing a sequel.

Benchmarks are important.
They let you know
if a product or marketing program or ???
is jiving with the prospect.
If the product doesn’t come close,
you know to concentrate on something else.
If a product blows the lights out,
you know to consider expanding the line.

Without benchmarks,
you’re wandering in the wilderness
and usually end up wasting everyone’s time and energy.