Silly Office Games

A manager pulled a junior jammer stunt
on me yesterday.
That she thought it would work
told me
that it HAS worked
for her in the past
so I figured I’d comment
on how I deal with it.

She sent a harsh, angry email,
cc’ing the world,
demanding to know why I hadn’t responded
to her previous ‘urgent’ email.
The ‘urgent’ email wasn’t forwarded.
Only the body of that email
was cut and pasted.

Clearly she was getting grief
for not finding the answers
to her problems.
She was trying to
put the blame on me.

My response?
I apologized.
I said I did not receive the email
but had received this and that one
on this and that date.
I asked if she could forward
the complete email including
the header with the time and date stamp
so I could follow up with IT.
I cc’ed the same world she did.

She hasn’t, of course,
forwarded that email to me
because that email doesn’t exist.
She never sent it.

Play enough silly games
and someone is going to point out
your silliness.

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