I completed a personality test today.
That test was a requirement
from my prospective employer.
I don’t have a problem
with personality tests
IF they are used to
help a manager manage her staff.
I DO have a problem
with personality tests
as interview screeners.
In this case,
the employer told me
she was going to
compare my results to that of a senior staff accountant.
The thing is…
I’m a project accountant (in this role).
Project accountants and transactional accountants
traditionally have VERY different personalities.
A human resources department
of a Fortune 500 company I once worked for
proposed using personality tests as screeners.
The V-P of Finance flatly refused.
To provide backup for his refusal,
he had his cracker jack staff complete personality tests.
Not one set of results was the same.
Some ‘announced’ that the employee
should work anywhere other than finance.
Each of these employees excelled
in their positions.
The idea of using personality tests
as screeners was thrown out.
Just because a tool is available
doesn’t mean it works
and doesn’t mean you should use it.