The Big Bad Corporation

I spent today
listening to person after person
slice into a large corporation.

They talked about this corporation
as though it had no soul,
no face,
no feelings.

You and I know that’s not true.

even those on the Fortune 500 list,
consists of people,
hundreds, or thousands of people.
Each one of these people works there
for a reason.
For many of them,
that reason isn’t just money.
They believe in the organization.
They believe in the product.
They believe in what the company stands for.

So when you attack the company,
you’re attacking these employees.

Next time,
you diss a big organization,
remember that it is not faceless.

1 comment

  1. Bringing human back … yes. World is ever full of critics, emboldened by apathy. Get to really “know” the hopes and dreams of the corporeal corporate … and one can’t be so jaded. Kindness can come in a suit and power tie versus the noose of indifference.

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