Saying No

The world is very, very small.
Just because we don’t do business
right now
doesn’t mean we won’t do business

So how we say no
is important.

Last week,
I knew I was going to receive
a ‘no.’
The recruiter I was working with
knew I was going to receive
a ‘no.’

The client decided
that rather than give us
that simple ‘no’,
he’d ask for a reduction in rates
of 75%.

That isn’t a ‘no.’
That’s an insult,
a deliberate insult.

It not only colored
our impression of this person
but of his entire organization,
a supposedly professional organization
that I belong to
(yes, I’m a customer).

Have the balls to say no
but say it in a professional way.

Categorized as Sales

1 comment

  1. Hi K,

    I have been saying no a lot lately and struggling with this. Most of the opportunities the bridge ends up burnt. What are the good ways to say no, mostly for job and new venture opportunities but keep something open for the future?


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