
If you want a call back,
leave your name, number
and the reason you called
on my voice mail.

Yes, this is so basic,
it is almost insulting
but this blog is all about reviewing the basics
and frankly,
very, VERY few people
ever leave their phone numbers.

Including sales professionals
like recruiters.
I shook my head at that voice mail today.
What was I supposed to do?
Look up her number?
Have it memorized?

If you really, really want a call back,
leave your number slowly TWICE.
I ALWAYS, ALWAYS return those calls.
Yep, 100% call return.
I’ve never not returned a call
with the phone number repeated.

I don’t think I’m alone
in this,
considering I always repeat my phone number
and have rarely not received
the return call.

Categorized as Sales

1 comment

  1. Surely many of your calls would have been returned if you hadn’t repeated your number. (This is a quibble over your evidence, not against your advice, which seems obviously reasonable.)

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