Telling Everyone Everything

I have some dear friends
who have very strong religious beliefs.
They wouldn’t approve of
the romance novels I write.

So you know what?
I don’t talk to them about my writing.
At all.
It is like that part of me doesn’t exist
when I’m with them.

My friends aren’t idiots.
They know I’m writing romance novels.
But because I don’t fling it in their faces,
they can pretend I don’t,
clinging to the ounce of doubt.
This allows two people with different beliefs
on one topic
to be friends.

I heard of someone who got fired this week.
She’d been breaking a company rule
for years now.
She knew the boss knew
but they never talked about…
until last week.
She let it drop in a conversation.

It eliminated all doubt from the boss’ mind.
He had no choice.
He couldn’t pretend she wasn’t doing it.
He had to take action.
He fired her ass.

Yes, people can uncover all your dirt.
This doesn’t mean you should help them shovel.
There is no need to tell everyone everything.