This IS NOT The Time To Strike

Canada is known for being
a very union friendly country.
That is why what is happening
in Toronto
is so damn interesting.

Toronto the Good is right now
Toronto the Dirty.
The garbage men have been on strike
for a month.

Toronto isn’t going broke
like some cities in the U.S. are.
Toronto has a union friendly Mayor.
What the union is asking isn’t THAT unreasonable.
(I’ve seen higher demands settled quicker)

So why hasn’t the garbage strike been settled?

Because the public doesn’t want it settled.
Plain and simple.

The average Toronto resident feels
that anyone having a job,
any job,
(especially one
with pensions, job security
and a salary double the average)
should be grateful.

There is more pressure on City Hall
to NOT settle
than there is to settle.

What does that mean to you and me?

Now is not the time for public discussions
on your salary increase.
Public opinion is not on your side.
Negotiate your salary to the best
of your abilities in private
and keep the whines about 1% increases
to yourself.

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