Celebrity Death Watch

“Three major celebrities
dying in one week,”
the talking head gasped,
“that’s shocking.’

Ummm… no, it isn’t.
The names may have been shocking
but that three well known people
died in one week?


Because the number of celebrities
you and I know
is 100 times (or more)
the number of celebrities
our grandparents know.
That’s a by-product
of the information age.

Combine that
with boomers,
the demographic bulge,
getting older,
and celebrity deaths are bound
to be regular news reports.

The networks are counting on it.
You see, they have obituaries
and remembrance reels
already written for all the major celebrities.
They are prepared
and plan to profit from it.

There are opportunities
in EVERY situation,
no matter how morbid.

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