The Future Of Bookstores has over 230,000 titles
available for sale
in eBook.
Your local bookstore, within years,
will have the same availability
in print.


The Blackwell Expresso Book Machine
has been unveiled in the UK.
This machine prints any book on demand
(112 pages per minute)
with library quality binding.

That means bookstores no longer
have to carry inventory,
pay for shipping costs,
or worry about running out of stock.
The space needed for the same sales decreases.

Now, you may be thinking…
revolutionary for bookstores
but I’m not in the book business,
what does this mean for me?

It means your business can change overnight.
You have to be prepared to change also.

What Social Media To Use

Although social media
is an important part of marketing,
it is impossible for small business
to have a presence
on all applications.

So should you have
a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter account
or a…?

It depends on your target audience.

The hip and trendy and
the tail end of the early adopters
are right now using Twitter.
As I write small press novels,
it is natural I hang out there.

My buddy writes novels
for middle class moms.
Obviously she’s on MySpace
and she blogs on blogger.

Use social media
but use the right application
for YOUR prospects.

Categorized as Marketing

Lying To Employees

It is tempting during these challenging times
to lie to employees
and tell them
good times are right around the corner.

You will get called on it.

A loved one helps the sales team sell.
He knows he hasn’t been
on a sales call for a month.
He knows clients aren’t renewing contracts.
He knows current clients
are asking for price reductions.

Yet his boss stood
in front of him and his fellow consultants
and told them that
they’ve made it through the worst,
that good times were coming.


Good times aren’t coming.
Even worse times are.
Only an idiot would not see those signs.

And now everyone is wondering
what OTHER things the manager is lying about.

You hired intelligent employees.
Respect that intelligence.

A Sitcom For Product Developers

Caught two episodes of
Better Off Ted
last night,
a sitcom from ABC
around product development
in an ethics challenged company.

It is witty, fun,
and has enough real information
to keep
this product developer interested.

What is especially entertaining
is how every product,
no matter how bizarre,
is put to use.
Not the one original planned.
A creative solution to utilize
even failed experiments.

Of course
in real life,
it takes more time to figure out
ways to use
but successful companies DO use them.

Don’t Be A Chicken Shit

Bad news concerning your direct reports
comes from you.
It doesn’t matter if they’re
full time, part time,
contract, volunteers,
interns, aliens from space.
If they report to you,
they hear the bad news from you.
No excuses.

Yesterday, my contract got shortened by a week.
I expected it.
I accomplished what I needed to do
and it didn’t make sense for me to sit there
doing nothing.
If my manager hadn’t proposed it first,
I would have volunteered
(I have a book I want to write).

The thing is…
my manager didn’t propose it to ME.
She got a middle man
to deliver the news.
Then she avoided me for the entire day
until I walked up
and told her I was more than fine
with her decision.

With her decision.
Not the way she handled it.
I lost all respect for her
and I doubt I’ll work for her again.
Chicken shits always bail at critical times.
I’d rather not be around when they do.

Put on your big girl panties
and deliver the bad news yourself.

Amazon Messing With Best Seller Lists

Amazon got the bright idea
to drop what they deemed
‘adult’ content
(which included
children’s books written for
the alternative lifestyle crowd
and classics like
D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover)
from their best seller lists
and rankings.

Then they were surprised
at the very noisy outcry.

what part of best selling
did Amazon not understand?
Of course, more people would be upset.
More people bought those books.

If you mess with your top products,
be it the Classic Coke formulation
or the product’s placement
on best seller lists,
you WILL get push back.

As you should
because that says customers care.

Categorized as Marketing

Women On Wall Street and Maternity Leave

There is a refreshingly honest
interview with
Jacqueline Novogratz,
CEO of Acumen Fund.

In it,
she discusses parental leave…
“I have four brothers who all work on Wall Street,
and I remember when
one of my brothers’ wife had a child.
And I said,
“Well, is there, you know, paternity leave?”
And he said,
“Oh, yeah.
We have the most liberal paternity leave
on Wall Street—
but I would never take it,
because if I did,
everybody would think I was, you know, wimpy.”
And I think there’s great truth to that.”

I once sat in a board room
while execs discussed an opening.
A woman was considered
and then dismissed
for the position
because she was in her child bearing years
and recently got married.

The first step to solving a problem
is admitting there IS a problem.
If you’re female,
under 40 years old,
and wish to sit in the C-Suite,
address the child issue head on.

Recession Winners

U.S. News & World Report has come out
with their list of top 10 recession busting industries.

Home gardening, movies, romance novels,
condoms, resume editing, public universities,
chocolate, McDonald’s, career development websites,
at home coffee brews…

In other words
escapism, frugality,
and proactive change.

Can you tap into these trends
with your marketing
your product development?

Categorized as Marketing

Why You Exist

No, I’m not getting into the meaning of life,
(if there even is one).
What I’m talking about
is why your business or your service exists.

Easy answer.
Because you’re different.
You offer something
another company or consultant or employee

If you’re a writer,
you don’t want to be Stephenie Meyer
(1 in 7 books sold last quarter
were written by Stephenie Meyer).
Stephenie Meyer already exists.
While she continues to write,
why would her fans switch?

If you’re a soft drink manufacturer,
you don’t want to be Coca-Cola.
You’ll never be the real thing.

You want to be different.
Different is NOT bad.
It is essential to success.