Don’t Be A Chicken Shit

Bad news concerning your direct reports
comes from you.
It doesn’t matter if they’re
full time, part time,
contract, volunteers,
interns, aliens from space.
If they report to you,
they hear the bad news from you.
No excuses.

Yesterday, my contract got shortened by a week.
I expected it.
I accomplished what I needed to do
and it didn’t make sense for me to sit there
doing nothing.
If my manager hadn’t proposed it first,
I would have volunteered
(I have a book I want to write).

The thing is…
my manager didn’t propose it to ME.
She got a middle man
to deliver the news.
Then she avoided me for the entire day
until I walked up
and told her I was more than fine
with her decision.

With her decision.
Not the way she handled it.
I lost all respect for her
and I doubt I’ll work for her again.
Chicken shits always bail at critical times.
I’d rather not be around when they do.

Put on your big girl panties
and deliver the bad news yourself.