You Are A Fraud

A friend of mine told me
she doesn’t consider herself a writer
but instead as someone who writes.
She feels like a fraud
calling herself a writer
because she has only had
one novel
(out of forty published)
top the New York Times Bestseller List.

I bill myself as a new business development gal
but the thing is,
I’ve only launched a few hundred products.
There are many people who have launched more.

We all think we’re frauds.

There will always be people who
have done more
or know more
in your chosen field.
That doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of the expert label.

Some clear indications that you’re worthy are…
– You are asked to speak on the topic
– Clients solicit your consulting services
(no pitch required)
– You attend a seminar on the subject
and know more than the presenter
– You give more back in knowledge
than you take