Bestsellers, Mid List, One Hit Wonders

I’m inviting a range of authors
to participate in a holiday promo.
and have observed any interesting trend.

The New York Times Bestselling authors
alway respond (or have someone respond for them)
with either a yes or a no.
Most say yes.

Why wouldn’t they?
There is no cost to this promo
(not even a book give away).

The mid list authors respond
a week or so later.
All of them say yes.

The new authors with small press publishers
seldom respond.
If they do, they are suspicious,
asking questions like “How much does it cost?”
They want to see the post
before they completely agree with participating.
They send me three different versions of their excerpts
and want me to choose.
In other words, they are a pain in the a$$.

I’m thinking this is not a coincidence.

Want to act like a bestseller?
Respond quickly and professionally.

Categorized as Marketing