Biting ClientK Style

I have no problem
with other bloggers borrowing
this crazy style of posting,
as long as they realize two things.

It irritates some people
(and those people won’t ever be your readers)
but most of all…

It irritates Google.
I get almost no Google traffic.
I didn’t get much Google traffic
back in the RoadToForbes days
and I continue
to not get Google traffic now.

All my readers are here
because another human being
told them about the site.

If you, as a blogger,
can live with that,
go ahead.
I wasn’t the first
(nothing I do or write is original)
and I won’t be the last.

Categorized as Marketing

1 comment

  1. I love it. I don’t ever skim, maybe because it’s hard to when it’s visually broken up like that. But I’m not sure most people could pull it off the way you do. There is rhythm to it.

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