Raising A Project Person

Since you are a project person
(why else would you be reading this blog?),
odds are someone in your family
is or will be a project person also.

Having heard a certain 8 year old project person
burned down yet another barn,
here are some of my thoughts
on raising one.

Realize that the projects are going to happen.
Direct these projects by asking questions.
Safe questions like
“I wonder why worms
crawl all over the sidewalk when it rains”,
NOT casual comments like
“I bet fireworks are easy to make”
“I wonder how Peter Pan flies.”

Teach good project management skills.
They are going to pick up habits,
they might as well pick up the right ones.

Don’t judge failures,
help them learn from them.
The best way to do that?
Ask more questions.
Let them figure out the answers for themselves.

Most of all,
try to be present for any live experiments.
That way,
small fires don’t end up as big fires.