Free Information

In the writing community,
there is an ongoing discussion
about “free” writing. 
I give away free short stories
on my writing blog
Should I be trying to sell them
to magazines instead? 
Or is it keeping the “discussion” going? 

Communications specialist Renate Zorn in
“The Woman in the Red Dress” points out
“When most conversations falter,
they do so not because the participants
don’t have anything in common to talk about,
but because one or both participants
aren’t giving or using “free information.”…
Free information includes
any unsolicited comments
or information provided by the speaker.” 

So to communicate well,
you have to give some information away. 

Categorized as Sales

1 comment

  1. Some people post their entire book on their blog and still get good sales results.
    This helps them get quick feedback from readers during the writing process.
    I have personally purchased a book available for free online.

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