The Guest Host Relationship

A local business held an event recently. 
The press came,
the press received their goodie bags (press bags),
the press had a good time, and 
the press wrote long stories on the event. 
Then instead of using the local business’ name,
the location of the event was identified quite deliberately
as “a local bookstore.”  

A President of a certain country visited
a U.S. University recently. 
Before he even said a word,
before he could even thank his hosts
for the invitation,
he was treated to a berating of his policies and actions. 
A berating that went on and on, 
that had to be translated so
he could be insulted in his own language.  

The bookstore will likely never treat
the press so well again. 
The next guest of the University is likely right now
rethinking his or her decision. 

Being a bad guest or a bad host 
does not hurt others as much as it hurts yourself.