Slow It Down

According to communications professor Ray Hull,
the average adult talks about
170 to 190 words per minute. 

The average central nervous system
processes information at about
120 to 124 words per minute. 

This ability to process decreases after age 36. 

The average age of a CEO is 56

What does this mean? 
Your boss is hearing only a fraction
of what you’re saying. 

Slow it down. 


  1. In a recent meeting, a sales manager was reminding her crew that it takes 3 times for the average person to hear your message. So slow it down and be prepared to repeat if you want your message to get fully accross.

  2. I am guilty of mile-a-minute disease. Once I joined Toastmasters and realized how bad it was, the #1 thing I ask my evaluators to look for is talking too fast.

    It helps. A lot.

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